Unga Fredsbyggare på Stockholm Peace and Development forum

publiseringsdatum Publicerad 2020-05-18
verksamhet Medling och konfliktlösning

Unga Fredsbyggares projektledare Sarah Dolah bidrog med sitt perspektiv på ungas inkludering i fredsarbete på Stockholm Peace and Development forum, som onekligen såg annorlunda ut detta år med alla deltagare på länk. 

I sessionen Youth Inclusion and the Protection of Civic Spaces reflekterade fyra unga ledare, en av dem Màñāĺ M. Al-màřwāñî från Fryshusets Peace Leaders, över vikten av att skydda mötesplatser för unga och vilken roll unga kan spela i fredsarbete runtom i världen. Att unga inte ska göras till symboler – som man visar att man inkluderar bara för att checka en ruta. Unga måste få ta del av beslutsprocesser på riktigt. Man var överens om att det behövs politiskt åtagande och hårt arbete för att implementera FN:s resolution 2250 nationellt, alla länder måste skapa en nationell handlingsplan för 2250 som praktiskt beskriver hur vi går till väga för att unga ska inkluderas i arbetet för trygghet och för fred.

Fryshusets Sarah Dolah:
”We have been hearing about Sweden in this conversation now as one of the donors and supporters of the 2250 agenda and I think that’s wonderful. Yet at the same time, to be a little bit provocative perhaps, we also need to look at our own way of including youth in decision making when it comes to prevention and sustaining peace, as I think that’s what’s most important for us.

The youth I work with in our groups they really show having experience of serious conflicts and serious results of what we see as systemic failures of inclusion. And I think that when we talk about including youth, we need to understand that it is not easy because it is not part of the regular way of doing things, it’s just not part of the power structures that we have had for many years before we adopted something like resolution 2250.

We need to change our way of thinking about inclusion and we need to think about how we build trust between groups. Youth who have felt marginalized don’t trust agencies and decision makers, and so how do we do this? My strong advice to decision makers, agencies and so on is that they look to youth organizations and existing networks that actually know how to do this, to provide them with the How of inclusion. And it’s actually hard work, it requires commitment and it requires time. Inclusion doesn’t just happen by itself. It’s hard and arduous work but it will result in more sustainable peace and the upholding of peace.”

Se hela samtalet här: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UAknB1DvXk&feature=emb_logo
Stockholm Peace and Development forum arrangeras av Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.