Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Young Empowerment Academy implementation in 2019
The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) brings together practitioners from around Europe working on the prevention of radicalisation. RAN YOUNG is one of many working groups within the network. The members of RAN YOUNG are familiar with the issues involved in countering violent extremism (CVE), in either a professional or volunteer context (school and university, youth centres, sports clubs, etc.). The Working Group gives them the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences and address recommendations to first line practitioners and policy makers.
Fryshuset has been commissioned to develop and implement RAN Young Empowerment Academy (RYEA). The programme is especially designed for young people between 18-25 years old and who wish to develop their knowledge and cultivate their skills and competencies in the area of preventing radicalisation. They can be students, young activists, people with a personal relation to radicalisation or young first-line practitioners.
By participating in the Academy’s four sessions, they will be ready to set up their own initiative to prevent and counter violent extremism. Also, they’ll have the opportunity to meet and work with young people from all over the EU!
Find out more about RYEA
Find out more about the 2019 sessions:
- Session 1: How to develop your own P/CVE initiative?
- Session 2: How to develop a proejctplan for P/CVE initiatives?
- Session 3: Effective teamwork and personal development
- Session 4: Professionalize your P/CVE initiative
Find out more about RAN click here>>>
RAN is funded by the Internal Security Fund – Police.
The European Commission’s Communication on Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism as well as the European Agenda on Security provide the policy framework for the EU’s prevention policies.