
Who we are

Fryshuset Foundation is a global non-profit organization that works to achieve societal change and positive development for all young people.

Fryshuset promotes and supports empowerment and development of all young people. We have mobilized positive forces among young people for more than 35 years, especially among those in marginalized situations. Our values ​​are the most important compass for an inclusive and sustainable future. Based on an integrated vision and strategy, we address social issues. Young people’s vision and interests are always central to this.

Our work is based on the wants, needs and abilities of young people. Jointly with them we strive to create a society where young people are seen, heard and taken into account.

In Sweden, we run more than 20 physical and digital meeting places. Our work further expands both nationally and internationally through partnerships, networks, assignments and agreements with stakeholders from public, private and civil society sector.

In addition to the Scandinavian countries, Fryshuset runs even projects in numerous other countries all over the world amongst them the Netherlands, Lettland and Greece, Senegal, Kenya, Brazil and Armenia.

Our vision

Our mission

  • We listen and build relationships with young peopleWe build on their passions and create communities where young people are seen, heard and can develop. It strengthens their self-esteem. 
  • We strive to create a society where young people are seenheard and their ideas and opinions taken into account. 
  • We work with all young people but focus in particular on those who live in or are at risk of exclusionWe believe that everyone can succeed and is always worth a chance. 
  • We give young people the tools to take control of their future by utilizing their inner power and motivation. 
  • We listen to what is happening in society and are quick to actWe see opportunities where others see problems. 
  • We are brave enough to dare to make changes, over and over again …

Our values

It is our strong belief that all energy is positive, if the right conditions are created to help navigate it in the right direction. Fryshuset’s core values ​​are based on this conviction and stand for the driving force in the organization.

We encourage, trust and give responsibility to youth
It builds knowledge and self-esteem that elevates the inherent power of youth. 

We are responsive to what is happening in society and act accordingly
We are not afraid of what is new and unknown. We see opportunities and mobilize forces where others see problems. We continually develop and improve our methods.

We meet young people-s individual needs
At Fryshuset the door is always open for anyone who wants to engage and develop, regardless of their background.

We believe in respectful meetings
It’s based on the desire to participate and that common interests overcomes all contradictions and differences as well as increases understanding between individuals. 

Our story

Fryshuset has 40 years’ experience in working with mobilizing positive forces in young people in marginalized environments in Sweden and around the world.

Fryshuset was set up in 1984 as a result of the joint efforts by the YMCA of Southern Stockholm and a couple of unyielding enthusiasts – among them Fryshuset’s legendary founding father Anders Carlberg. He was commissioned by the YMCA South to renovate an old cold storage in the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden into a basketball hall. Hence the name, “Fryshuset” , which can be loosely translated into “coldstorage”. Initially, sports and music were the sole activities at Fryshuset, but social issues soon made their way into the agenda as a reflection of young people’s wants and needs.

In January 2013, Fryshuset’s founder Anders Carlberg left us after a period of illness. Anders Carlberg was a boundless enthusiast. His faith in people and their ability to grow and develop was completely relentless – and most of all he believed in those who nobody else believed in, those who did not even believe in themselves. Anders Carlberg inspired people to practice compassionate courage, to believe in themselves and to dare to grow, even when no one else thought there was a chance to succeed.

Today, Fryshuset continue in his legacy and sees opportunities where others see problems. The organization has grown into a multifaceted global movement for the development of young people. A movement that continues to grow and spread throughout Sweden and to other countries.

Strategic goals 2020-2030

A prerequisite for Fryshuset to meet young people’s needs, passions and desires are respectful meetings, good relationships and constant dialogue with young people.

The needs and wants of Fryshuset’s main target group – young people – are what all our activities and projects are based on. Read more about Fryshuset’s strategic goals for 2020-2030 here.